2017 - First six months review of my Tech, Startup and Other reads

Here are some of my Tech, Startup and other reads plus the Podcasts that Listened to over the past six months. Provided some brief comments. However anyone interested to know more about my experience on these books or podcasts feel free to drop a note.

Tech and Startup related Books

Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston
Jessica does a great job iinterviewing some of the great founders of our time. Interesting read and sometime you may wonder how fast things are moving in Technology space.

The Art of Fund Raising by by Alejandro Cremades
Alejandro does a good job in putting his experience, lessons etc into a great book. 

Site Reliability Engineering Edited by Betsy Beyer, Chris Jones, Jennifer Petoff and Niall Richard Murphy
Essays from Google Site Reliability Engineers - this book is now available for free. Highly recommended regardless of you are managing web scale organisation or not.

The San Francisco Fallacy by Jonathan Siegel
Awesome book by Jonathan, talks freely about some of the fallacies around startups, funding, culture etc in San Francisco. 

The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, and Patrick Debois
Continuing from Phoenix Project great addition to your reading if you are interested in understanding DevOps culture, tools etc in a bit more detail. 

Startup Life by Amy Batchelor and Brad Feld
I had the opportunity to meet Brad in Melbourne at the StartupVictoria event. Interesting person and lot you can learn from, book is focused on him and his partner's life during some of the good and hard times of Startups Brad was involved.

The Little Book That Still Beats the Market by Joel Greenblatt
Someone recommended this book some years back, finally got around to reading it. If you are interested in the stock market worth reading it. Interesting theory behind the approach taken. Although I must say more US focused, doesn't mean the formula can not be applied elsewhere.

Business Adventures by John Brooks
Twelve great classic essays on businesses. It a great book to read as most things still applies today.

Bitcoin for Beginners by J T Jackson
If you need to know the basics around BitCoins and Blockchain, this book is a great start.   

General Fiction for fun and reading outside of Tech Square

Diary of Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
Yes I have read them all, yes it is for kids (NO it is actually for Adults). I believe Jeff got another booking coming up end of this year. 

Working Class Boy by Jimmy Barnes
My wife gave me this book as a Christmas gift. It is the story of one of my favorite Australian Rock 'n Roll legends. Jimmy has done a great job on us telling his life story.  

Continue to Listen to the following Podcasts:

The Newstack Podcasts
The New Stack folks led by Alex Willams doing great job of covering most of the key technology conferences related to the new world new stack. Packed with great interviews and stories. 

AWS TechChat
Dr. Pete is doing a great job of keeping us informed with all the new innovations, products and services coming out of AWS.

GCP Podcasts
Mark and Fransec does a really good job in keeping us informed with the cool stuff at GCP and great interviews with some of the product founders and owners within Google and externally.
Stanford ecorner
Tina Seelig and the team is doing a great job of sharing the talks from various founders, co-founders from old to new.

DevOps Cafe
Great Podcast by by John Willis & Damon Edwards if you want to stay up-to-date with what's happening int the DevOps world
Heavybit - multiple podcasts
Developer focused accelerator program started by the some folks from Heroku, packed with great mentors and lots of great resources. They have multiple podcasts from developer tools to marketing and raising funds.

O'Reilly Podcasts - multiple different topics (Software, Architecture, Data Science, IoT etc)
Multiple podcasts on various topics ranging from Software, Architecture, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) etc.
This is a new podcast from NPR hosted by Guy Raz. He is doing a great job getting some of the founders and discuss how they build their business.

Ted Talks
TED talks are always great listen. If you have Chromecast it is worth watching them on your big TV.


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