The San Francisco Fallacy by Jonathan Siegel

Over the long weekend in Melbourne, Australia I had the opportunity to read The San Francisco Fallacy by Jonathan Siegel.

It was a great book to read, I am glad that I had the opportunity and time to read it. The key reason I liked the book is that while the author Johnathan gave the titled San Francisco Fallacy, the fallacies applied in almost any startup in any city no matter where you are. 

He touches on the ten (10) most commonly found fallacies in Startup culture and clearly articulate why they are a fallacy with some of his own experience. I have applied some of his finding in my own experience and he is spot on, highly accurate like he had spoken to me about it. This will be one of the books that I will read at least twice a year to remind myself about the fallacies we all fall in without thinking too much.

Highly recommend anyone involved in Startup, especially if you are a founder or co-founder to read this book. I am sure you will find it highly valuable.


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