AWS Tech Chat

About  few weeks back I started listening to AWS Tech Chat by Dr. Pete Stanski and Russell Nash on SoundCloud. They are solutions architects of AWS from Australia. Since started listening to their podcats I can now ignore the emails from AWS about their product launch notifications. They cover a most of these latest product updates and deep technical insights into AWS products and services. It is less marketing more technical (otherwise I wouldn't have listened to it). So far they are doing a great job, and if you haven't listened to it before I strongly suggest you give it a go and I am sure you will like it. You might also be able to crack some of the wording Dr. Pete use for URL (urrl) and AMI (amy). It is fun and interesting.

I guess my question to Dr. Pete and Russ is when are you gents going to cover AWS Kubernetes offering? given Google and Microsoft are talking a lot about it these days (surprising to without annoying me).  


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