Why RedHat choose not to join CloudFoundry and my comments

You can read the full article written by Joe Fernandes at - OpenShift blog on why RedHat chose not to join CloudFoundry Foundation.

My Comments (given the original blog post is closed for comments, I decided to write my own comments).

I have no issues with RedHat not joining CloudFoundry. It is their freedom of choice as to which foundations they join. However I was slightly disappointed in some of the comments/notes by the writer. Of course one could argue, that it is the freedom to write what you like :-). 

  1. Cloud Foundry commercial vendors like Pivotal and IBM should recognize that the path to enterprise success is on Red Hat Enterprise Linux rather than Ubuntu and thus certify Cloud Foundry on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and eventually Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host."

If RedHat was keen to help, shouldn't you join the foundation and get CF certified on RedHat Enterprise Linux, rather than waiting for the vendors such as IBM, Pivotal to come forward? What if IBM, Pivotal help Ubuntu to improve their editions for Enterprise. Why only RedHat?

  1. The Cloud Foundry community should recognize the limitations of building on a bespoke container management engine in Garden and look to adopt Docker (or possibly Rocket)."

Actually RedHat was doing exactly the same thing until recent times before Docker got popular and Google released Kubernetes etc. Yet they complain about CF's containerization technologies etc. Very interesting :-)

  1. The Cloud Foundry community should recognize that it will be difficult for Diego to compete with Google on web scale container orchestration and management and abandon it in favor of Kubernetes."
Why? is competition not good us? Do we all have to contribute to one project? 

Final words - I admire RedHat for their contributions to the community in terms of Open Source projects, advocacy, evangelism etc. However it is also equally important that we have other Open Source projects, giving choice and competition in the marketplace.  

'May the source be with us in to 2015 and beyond !!!'


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