Three Hot Open Source Cloud Projects

There is no doubt that Open Source is leading innovation in Cloud Technologies. However one cannot go without noticing the attention generated for the following three Open Source projects. Interestingly these projects are getting the support from previously not so Open Source friendly companies such as Microsoft. However it is also interesting to hear that Amazon is not jumping on them in a big way yet ??? 

What are these projects?

Going by the definition from Docker website, "Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications. Consisting of Docker Engine, a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, and Docker Hub, a cloud service for sharing applications and automating workflows, Docker enables apps to be quickly assembled from components and eliminates the friction between development, QA, and production environments. As a result, IT can ship faster and run the same app, unchanged, on laptops, data center VMs, and any cloud."

Essentially Docker helps developers to isolate application and/or service workloads into separate containers without having to have a separate Virtual Machine/s (VM).  

Going by the definition from CoreOS Website ," CoreOS is a new Linux distribution that has been rearchitected to provide features needed to run modern infrastructure stacks. The strategies and architectures that influence CoreOS allow companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter to run their services at scale with high resilience."

CoreOS consists of minimal OS components and it runs applications and Services in Docker containers. Further while CoreOS can run as a single node it is designed to be clustered environment.

Going by the definition from GitHub "Kubernetes is an open source implementation of container cluster management."

Still in beta, (Is it much like other Google Beta projects - I am not sure as I have not yet had the change to play with it). It can also run on CoreOS (more information on GitHub).

Next time I will try to elaborate on my personal experience, how each of these projects may work-together, what I personally think of their architecture etc.


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