My 12cents on 12 Factor Apps
I. Codebase One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys. Seriously if your code isn't in a code repository you can forget the rest. It you are not already using a code repository, at least try GitHub, Bitbucket or get a local copy of Git, SVN repos. How Important? Critical II. Dependencies Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies 'We have no dependencies', 'our app will run on any environment with no issues', 'I mean of force you need to have that library this Java server, that is common knowledge isn't it?' sound familiar? have heard these types of statements many many times. Most environments you run your application is not going to be the same as where you developed the application. Typically you would have gotten all dependencies needed during your development period. How Important? High to Critical. III. Config Store config in the environment 'Why is my a...